Loretta Lynne, Van Lear Rose
Many, many years ago, within about 2 weeks, a phenomenal teacher/friend named "Mrs. Bonilla" as well as an amazing former student/friend named at the time "Kelly Cooke" (now known as "Mrs. Keepers") each told me that I simply had to listen to this cool band called "The White Stripes."
Wow, were they right.
I am not the biggest fan, but I must admit that Jack White is one of the most important musicians of my lifetime.
The White Stripes.
The Raconteurs (unless you're in Australia, where the band is known as "The Sabateurs").
The Dead Weather (well, we can't be perfect).
It Might Get Loud
(Please. if you love guitars, go watch this.
Watch Instantly
W/ The Edge & Jimmy Page.)
Oh, & he produced & performed on the album highlighted above.
I must say I never really thought I might recommend a Loretta Lynne album, but here I do so.
You saw your "grades," & it was good (for most of you).
The Do Now included the ever-so-poignant Swift saying, "When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign, that all the dunces are in confederacy against him."
After we defined "dunce" & "confederacy," we got some really, really cool responses.
Seriously, he may cause a few problems in the "language-differential" department, but, eventually, if you arean "honors" student, you will be glad that you read Swift.
Yep, a genius.
(note: IQ stuff is fun & flawed, & we can get into that in PMs or in class.)
If you don't at least appreciate "The Bet," you are in the wrong class.
I mean, this one gets to the heart of us as humans.
Chekhov looks within us & sees that which too many of us refuse to admit.
(By the way, you may go back to Swift's "glass" & get some more ideas there.)
You all are good folks, & I hope that you may continue to . . .
. . . be cool
FINAL, POST-"BE COOL" NOTE: Go watch the Twilight Zone episode based on "The Bet," & enjoy that one, too.