an unfinished novel . . . 4.15.11

09 December 2010

signifying nothing

Jag Panzer, Thane to the Throne.

Yep, 1 that actually goes w/ the material, junior-style.

This one is a power-metal concept album of Macbeth.

Really good,especially  if you like '80s-era Maiden.

(Oh, & the story of Macbeth.)

Time to work.

You have 11 questions due tomorrow, > 50 words apiece, including CD & CM.

No quotes necessary, but they (almost) never hurt.

For Monday, you will do the "character analysis" chart, & for that you will need quotations.

We went over the format for the vocab review that is due tomorrow as well as part II, which will be due Monday.

We went back over the "Once Upon a Time" PowerPoint, & we added in the quotations & responses.

Finally,we read 2 short articles about the poem, & we will read another tomorrow.

be cool


  1. "The moon will bring a change tonight
    Asleep no one will see my plight
    A dagger's thrust will be his end this night
    Then to be king I'll pay the price"

    Awesome lyrics, awesome song, you rule McBride. Keep the music coming, as it was cool to listen to a genre that is a bit foreign to me and find a band I like.

  2. excellent, Noah . . . I like my music loud & obnoxious, & when it's smart, that's a heckuva bonus, too

    funny thing is, I was just on the Dean forum--Mark from Jag Panzer is a member there, & that's where I heard of them--& a guy just posted that he finally listened to the band . . . & he quoted "King at a Price," too; in fact, the 1st line above

    ooohh . .. . eerie . . . .
