an unfinished novel . . . 4.15.11

05 January 2011

Vai, burgers, Beaker, octopodes

Steve Vai, Fire Garden

Another fantastic record, though a few more vocals than I really like. (Exception: "All About Eve," a tremendous song w/ great vocal performance.)

Album sectioned in 2 "phases" (kind of like the "sides" we used to have on these "vinyl record" things--ask your parents), & I like the 1st phase better (yep, fewer vocals).

Highlights: track 7, "Hand on Heart," & another masterpiece, "Fire Garden Suite." Pretty much, is a song has "suite" in the title, it will be great or terrible; this is the former.

Got a few gift cards for Christmas, & spent 2 today.  At Rhino Records I picked up a Michael Hedges retrospective, Beyond Boundaries: Guitar Solos" . . .& since I can;t buy myself anything w/out giving some love to the family, I let the kids choose some toys.

The list:
Aodhan--a toy gun that shoots out a "BANG" flag; also, some plastic dog poop
Finbar--toy handcuffs (I have NO idea why, but he's been arresting his brothers all evening)
Cedric--rubber-band shooter

Don't know why they were all guns-&-arresting, but, we have fun.

Also, picked the lovely wife up some "zombie mints":

& a "Beeker" air freshener:

Finally, thanks from my family to the good folks of 1st period--we enjoyed some excellent Chili's burgers tonight.


Library for Ooper (aka Handbook--look at the cover).

You MUST read the poem "To His Coy Mistress" & the short story"Young Goodman Brown" by Monday 10 January.

You'll find 'em on pages 299-315, or full text online.

We will look at the Prologue tomorrow & discuss the "precritical response."

& remember, it's octopuses, though octopi & octopodes are lesser but acceptable.

Grammar, here in the form of parts of speech, specifically nouns.

Nouns name persons, places, & things (I consider "ideas" to be "things").

More tomorrow.

be cool


  1. I want Aodhan's gun. If he ever gets bored of it, I'll buy it.
    I'm serious.

    The story was appropriately depressing. And reminded me too much of [underline]The Crucible[/underline], a bad book. Not a bad book, but I book I did not like at all.

  2. good news: they're only $1.99 so when this one breaks I'll get another & grab you 1

    re: the story . . . yeah, especially the final paragraph, which I love in a sad way: "his dying hour was gloom"

    but bug huzzahs for the word "quoth" & the subtle imagery of Faith's name

  3. oh, & I just noticed that w/ out the comma it looks like A's gun shoots BOTH the flag & the poop (it's only the former, & behold the power of the comma!!) . . . so you'll see it corrected above

  4. OK, went w/ the semi-colon . . . a good night to all

  5. OK--1 final comment, to Mustafa: listened to Celtic Frost in the car on the way to Chili's (Linda's choice) . . . after that weird intro, reminded me of earlier Metallica w/ growlier vocals & some real cool guitar

    I think it was track 5, "Eternal Summer," that I liked most.

    Also, really cool Giger cover art.

    Thanks . . . tomorrow: Entombed!!!

  6. I love punctuation!
    "Let's eat Grandma!"
    "Let's eat, Grandma!"

  7. by the way, the Zombie Mints are "brain flavored" and well, there may be some truth to that. Ingredients include "meat flavoring" and best I can explain the smell is like . . . old beef bouillon cubes. That were stored in a shoe. But still, I appreciate the thought from my 4 boys.
