Funkadelic, One Nation Under a Groove.
I cannot say enough good things about Funkadelic.
So I won't really try.
But how about this song title: "Who Says a Funk Band Can't Play Rock?"
I love this one for so many reasons, but the major one has to do w/ the idea of overcoming boundaries &, especially societally-imposed labels.
Dude said something about my music being "random," & I responded w/ the title of this post.
Eclecticism makes this world go 'round.
Funkadelic embodied this concept.
I remember years ago at a guitar clinic, Gilby Clarke (then of Guns n Roses) stressing to all of us that we need to listen to all kinds of music, rockfunkjazzclassicalrapmetalbluescountrygrungehardcoreshowtunes & the rest.
So the 1st fellow who had a chance to ask a question began w/ "I just wanna say Guns n Roses rule all & I don't listen to nothin' else."
(here should be the "facepalm," preferably Picard, right?)
oh, what the heck:
You all have abilities & ideas that can make this world a better place. & so do a lot of other folks.
& we owe it to each other to . . . well . . . LISTEN.
Who says a funk band can't play rock?
Who says a "D-student" can't get an A when she puts in the effort?
Who says a kid in "honors" can't get way, way past the "nerd" label & still read, write, speak, listen & be really, really cool?
Who says we can't make things just a little better by caring, working, &, as Bill & Ted said, "being excellent to each other"?
Sadly, a whole lot of people do.
So, let's not be those people.
Seriously, Jonathan Swift was a man of ideas. As mentioned, a lot of folks didn't "get" him, didn't "like" his writings, & were probably a little scared about how well he knew them.
You took a cool McB-style quiz, in which there were no pointless facts but a whole lot of "what do you remember?" I mean, you got credit for asking a question.
We talked about kites, chickens, people, expectations, & all kinds of fun stuff.
You now know that Gulliver ate as much per day as 1724 (or 1728) Lilliputians, or that he left May 4, 1699, or that his "enemy" was Skyresh Bolgolam.
I had a reading schedule on the board, & this is what you need to know: you'll be done w/ Part I by Monday. If you read some today, fantastic . . . & if you didn't, you'll have 5 chapters for the weekend.
Really, the dude just wanted to take a walk . . . I mean, come ON.
Vocabulary quiz, unit 1: every single answer had been covered in class, & even had you not completed the exercises a few minutes of listening gave you a study guide.
Oh, & you had your vision & hearing checked.
OR 1.3 now not due until MONDAY.
But, most important, tomorrow is Friday.
&, dare I say,
be cool
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou almost lost me with the whole "funkadelic" thing in the beginning, but you have gained my ultimate respect and more than made up for the use of that word by showing Picard facepalm. I am really glad you did not do something pointless like most of the internet (cough: lolcat), plus Picard makes everything so much more funny, like his accent. As for the band, you took the time to post it, I will take the time to listen right now, I suppose; I'll let you know what I think.
ReplyDeleteOh and P.S., I see your Picard and raise you Ultimate Face palm:
Your move McB...
So about this forward friday thing...I might just kill myself in your class. You've been forewarned... haha jk :D
ReplyDeleteMCBRIDE. Listening to Funkadelic right now. You're on a good music roll! :D I'm loving it!
ReplyDeleteAlso extra props for referencing Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
seriously dude, what I would have given to have had a high school teacher like you . . .
ReplyDeleteNoah: you'd have won the internets again except for the "lost me" in regards to Funkadelic--this is one of the all-time great musical entities in this & several other universes . .. but, you can thank me tomorrow
ReplyDelete& as for your link, "epic" does not even begin to describe . . I thought the Picard-Number1 double-palm ruled all, but, wow . . .
Chloe: (bows) I am humbled by your acceptance as well as your understanding of the glory that is "Bill & Ted"
LIzzy: why remove it? (& note, after 1+ years I spelled it w/ the "y" the 1st time)
Sandra: pleeeeeease don't
fox: whoever could that be? but, yeah, you're right, I wish I had this kind of teacher, too . .. but would that provide some weird Farnsworth paradox?
picard is awesome, bonus points for which episodes he did that in, and who it was directed towards.
(personaly, i use the "picard maneuver" more often than the facepalm)
aight, he's facepalming Q, but I'm not certain of the episode title--partial non-extra bonus credit?
ReplyDeleteEven better for the Futurama reference, despite its disturbing implications, though on a positive note you would lack the Delta Brainwave, so when the brains take over you could combat them with your Scooty Puff Junior (if no one else gets this, watch more Futurama).
ReplyDeleteAnd after listening to this song I must say it really is quite good, so I will concede the point in this regard. Moreover I should clarify that I misread your post, I thought you were calling the song/sound "funkadelic", as an adjective, which I thought would be funny to hear coming from you. I did not know it was the name of the band, so sorry for the misunderstanding there. Oh well, I have some Gulliver to read, and man those Lilliputians never cease to surprise me..., so see you McBride.
after perusing my post after re-reading your comment, I realized that the 2nd iteration of the word "funkadelic" led you to think it was a too-cutesy McBism . . .
ReplyDeleteanyway "watch more 'Futurama'" is fine advice
& as for the band, "One Nation . . " & "Standing on the Verge of Gettin' It On" *& "Free Your Mind . . " . . just, wow
"Maggot Brain" is one of my 5 favorite instrumentals EVER (the other 4? they coming, eventually)
Eddie Hazel was one of the all-time greats, & Kidd Funkadelic durn near as good
"Deja Q"
ReplyDeleteI always enjoyed the Q episodes, there is something about his excessive sarcasm that i can connect to.
Partial bonus points indeed.
hey McBride, just in case you didnt look it up yet:
ReplyDeleteI know that's a complicated link and all, but it's the "trailer" for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (the 2011 version) and it looks really interesting. =D
yeah, that's the Swedish film w/ an English voiceover
ReplyDeleteI think it's finally being released "widely" here
we watched it on Netflix streaming
Noomi Rapace just nails the role of Salander
tremendous post -- & "eclectic" definitely deserves is honored place in the pantheon o' great words (alongside such other linguistic luminaries as rutabaga, pumpkin patch, efficacy & of course funkadelic.
ReplyDeletewere i not already committed to naming my future garage band "england dan & john ford coley," i have no doubt i would give strong consideration to "eclectic funkadelity."
finally (for now), though i know it would be a true loss to generations of so-cal students, if this school ever opens a language arts department, i'ma thinkin' ol' McB may hafta strongly consider stepping away from the hallowed halls of alta loma hs ...
Hey McB,
ReplyDeleteJust watched the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,
best person for the part of Salander
I noticed some things missing,
but for the most part,
it was great!
I really loved it,
as soon as it was over I restarted it.
I've watched it like 3 times as of now.
My mother wants to watch it later,
but I don't think that she's mature enough to handle watching the rape scene.
Thank you for reffering me!
wow--really cool, & I hope your ma is OK w/ it
ReplyDeleteNoomi Rapace--whom I have never seen in anything else, which helps--rules
now I want to read the books again, & I put the Swedish versions of ". . . Played w/ Fire" & ". . .Kicked the Hornet's Nest" in my netflix queue
enjoy the weekend
I'm making my mother subscribe to Netflix
ReplyDeleteso I can reserve the next movies.
I'm really excited!
well . . . get the 2nd-cheapest (1 at a time, unlimited) & you can get all the streaming you want, & " . . .Dragon Tattoo" will be available to you for "free"
ReplyDeletevery cool
Netflix is awesome
ReplyDelete(especially when you are a dependant, and your parents are paying for it. Ah childhood, the time of financial irresponsibility. If you have money that is)
it reminds me of McDonalds Imperialism
Put everything at low prices, so people "have" to choose them as teh movie provider, and its so much more convenient.
Eventually, blockbuster, hollywood video, alta loma video rentals, etc. will be out of business, because no one wants to pay so much for just watching a movie, then returning it a week later. With netflix, ya can watch it and watch it and watch it and forget about it, and then send it back a month later, and you still pay the same price. Also, if you are geting multiple ones at a time, you can watch hundreds of movies in a month (or thousands, depending on how much time you spend watching)
totaly trumps the per capita rental services for a week thing.
At some point, the rental services stuck in a physical existance will grow old and die, leaving the immaterial companies all the demand, with no competition.
Prices go up.
Wheres a blockbuster when you need one...
(Of course this is only speculation, and hopefully, there will still be competition in the movie rental industry. Gotta give the people their bread and entertainment.)
Somebody always pays for it in the end.
Mcbride do you watch glee?
ReplyDeleteSince I was mentioned above I though I should let it be known that I wasn't criticizing your music, just saying how unpredictable it was. (Not a bad thing) Anyways I would like to once again give you some movie recommendations since your such a netflix enthusiast. Today I watched World's Greatest Dad starring Robin Williams that reminded me of your class from yesterday because we were discussing an author who partial fictionalized his memoir that changed people's lives, and Oprah took a whole episode of her show to tell him he was a bad person. World's Greatest Dad is essential the same concept combined with the comedic mood Williams' brings to the screen. However this doesn't make it to my top 5 Robin Williams films. Here they are:
1. Death to Smoochy (combo of Scarface + Barney haha!)
2. Mrs. Doubtfire (Best cross dressing comedy)
3. Jumanji (boardgame no one wants to own)
4. Jack (great combo of sci fi + comedy + fam fun)
5. Hook (peter pan hits real life)
(*What Dreams May Come I heard from my sister is one of the best however I can't recommend it cause I haven't seen it. I think I will probably read the novel its based off of by Richard Matheson first)
McBride I hope your a fan of Robin Williams or this post is just sad.
-Albert Argueta
The answer to Forward Fridays (excuse the language, but I thought you might enjoy this.)
David: netflix RUES, especially since the streaming stuff happened
ReplyDeleteRachel: one of the recent failures in my life is not watching Glee--I recorded like the 1st 4 episodes, never got around to watching 'em & deleted 'em right about the time everybody started telling me how great it is
Albert:Death to Smoochy is brilliant . . .World's Greatest Dad is on netflix watch instantly & #3 in my queue . . .What Dreams May Come-- the wife & I loved it, & just about everybody else seemed to hate it . . .& i'd add Good Will Hunting, the world's greatest "guy's chick flick"
ReplyDeleteSebastian: I sent that link to many, many people . . . funny cuz it's true
the best "guy chick flick" is "Garden State"
I know, I'm a girl.
oh wow, i guess it s a Freudian slip that I typed "netflix RUES" w/ out the "L"
ReplyDelete& Lizzy: yeah, I'd put that a close 2nd . . & I'm not even getting into
"Eternal Sunshine . . "which is one of my all-time faves & may or may not be a "chick flick" . . discuss