an unfinished novel . . . 4.15.11

09 January 2011

end Vai week

Mike Keneally, Steve Vai Piano Reductions Vol 1

Previewed this earlier in the week, & decided to make it the Friday music.

Oh, & I meant to sit down & write this friday evening, & yeah, here it is Sunday . . .

Wow, that there time, she sure flies.

Anyway, I LOVE the fact that this album is called Vol. 1, because that means there will be a Vol. 2.

Keneally takes the huge orchestrations of a typical Vai song & minimizes them to 1-guy, 1-instrument performances. Really, really cool; makes me realize just how great the melodies are.

Highly recommended; also, I'll have more Keneally for you in the future--another fantastic all-around musician, he is.

Back to Foster, that dude who has all the good quotations about literature.

We had some great discussions about politics in literature, & that kind of stuff reminds me why I love this job.

You are in the process of choosing a book or 2 or 3, as you had heard before & were officially "assigned" Monday.

Remember: you are embarking upon cultural-studies research w// a literary slant. You MUST read a new work of literature this quarter, but you may attack that work from a psychological, sociological, historical, biographical, philosophical, structural (or 1 of many other words that end in -al) perspective.

This is gonna get good.

Also, reading quiz MOnday on the poem "To His Coy Mistress" & the short story "Young Goodman Brown."

All OR, all period--we'll get back to the nouns, pronouns, & such Monday.

For those of you who were having trouble w/ the new OR format, remember that we will do 1 together in class, as it says on the paper, FRIDAY.

So, you have several more days to get a book & get reading.

be cool

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