ABBA, Gold: Greatest Hits
Go get a copy of Chuck Klosterman's Eating the Dinosaur, because once you get past his amazingly annoying pretensions & his "I-am-smarter-than-you-but-will-pretend-(poorly)-that-I-am-not" veneer, you will find a pretty interesting essay about ABBA, that Swedish band we love to joke about that was never "disco" or even "kitschy," & rather a very interesting musical dynamic.
. . . college football rules, except for the fact that the NCAA is a corrupt organization that puts the value of the dollar above the value of the human being.
. . . but I ain't gonna get political here; I am going to muse on a few topics.
sooooo . . .
. . . the Beloved 'Noles look like they may be back, for the 1st time since last year, & every year since they started not to rule, at the beginning of this century.
. . . my kids rule this world, as well as any potential other world. Also, I realize that I say this only because they are "my" kids, & if somebody else's kids ruled anywhere near as much, I would not recognize said ruling.
. . . think about it.
. . . "Jumping Jacks" is super-awesome for kids much, much younger than I, as well as my wife. Yes, she partook of many jumping- & sliding-based inflatable fun at Isaac's party last night.
. . . "Isaac" above is the progeny of Ms. Lambert & Mr, Olson, by the way.
. . . the new Domino's recipe > than the old.
. . . that is, much, MUCH >
. . . the coolest part of the evening was the fact that somebody spelled his name "Izek."
. . . seriously, that is cool.
. . . the Nike Pro Combat uniforms look pretty cool, but only in the "once-a-year" idea of cool.
. . . if teams wore them every week, it'd be like a sad futuristic sci-fi film from the '70s.
. . . see: Rollerball
. . . "Talbot" is a really cool English teacher as well as a now-dead vampire on True Blood
. . . oops: "spoiler alert."
. . . I am completely aware that Ms. Beeley is much more awesome than I could ever be, & I respect that. & envy it a tad, but I look at it as inspiration, not competition.
. . . that's because I hung out w/ her again last night, & realized her awesomeness again.
. . . "standardized testing" is a horribly flawed system that takes into no consideration anything except the mood & performance of students on a few days in April, but it's the system in which we work, & we can "succeed" at the tests just as we succeed in the classroom.
. . . see: "Fridays, Forward."
. . . as long as you muster the effort, you will succeed in room 57.
. . . paraphrase time, because the book is not here: in How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler & Carl Van Doren maintain that teaching may not avail unless there exists a reciprocal act of being taught.
. . . so, let's get taught (!!!)
. . . also, let's teach & learn from each other.
. . . the "FitQuest 2000" changed my life.
. . . this is starting to read like a parody of Larry King, which is inherently ironic since Larry King himself reads like a parody of Larry King, so a parody-squared may just lead back to a sense of reality.
. . . JUNIORS: "parody" & "satire" are different--Gulliver's Travels is satire, & that's why we will study it. Also, Jonathan Swift practically started that inherently "British" high-&-low-brow comedy mixture.The Frankenstein seminars you all conducted showed us the value of thought in the curriculum of public education. Levels 2 & 3 > level 1.
. . . yes, mathematically that is obvious, but intellectually, not necessarily.
. . . SOPHOMORES: the 1st of many "Forward Fridays" brought unmitigated success. We will learn, engage, & "beat" the tests we are going to take. You will understand the what, why, & how of standardized testing & the what, why, & how of true "language arts."
. . . because in the end, it is all about the art.
. . . enjoy your long weekend.
. . . at some point, take a moment to reflect on the veterans who made it possible for us to get together & learn in a relatively free environment.
. . . be cool.
Mcbride I'm glad your starting to embrace True Blood even if it was just to compare similar names to Mr. Talbot. Also I give you props for using progeny instead of kid nice use of synonyms (progeny is also used in True Blood as the term to describe a vampire's relation to its creator) so that's a double whammy! I have no idea what whammy means I just know its an old 70s-ish game show that only comes on GSN and that its used in double whammy idiom. Wait now that I think about the game show use I don't think its a positive word. Anyways I've noticed you never recommend or talk about movies in your blog, and maybe your not big on movies. Well I have a recommendation of a movie cause its my all time favorite because it combines beatles music, 1960s counter culture, and Evan Rachel Wood (who is really attractive). The movie is Across the Universe it has a good story line and awesome music which is once again doublely awesome thing. Well anyways hope you have seen or will see it and have a good 3 day labor day weekend. I have to end this comment saying Saroosh needs to switch to 3rd period :)!
ReplyDelete-Albert Argueta (period 3)
That was undoubtedly my favorite of your blog posts.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have read more than one.
And they weren't all the bonus points posts either.
YES!! thank you, Valerie; I truly appreciate it
ReplyDelete& Albert: I honestly just thought it was funny that the character was named "Talbot," but once the show comes to "Watch Instantly" streaming on netflix, I will be catching up Also, there was a show called "Press Your Luck" that later became just "Whammy!" & some dude figured out the pattern & beat it like crazy. saw a documentary on it one time.
Anyway, about movies, Across the Universe is in my netflix queue, & I have been told man,y many good things about it. Also, I agree about Evan Rachel Wood, & I don't know why but I'm a little happy that she didn't marry Marilyn Manson, whose music I like, but whom I would not want to, like, hang around with or something.
The only thing I have seen her in is a strangely appealing Woody Allen movie called "Whatever Works," starring Larry David as a bitter old-ish man, & she was the best part of that one.
Finally, I just note the music of the day in the class, & I wrote only about the Frankenstein films, but feel free to give us recommendations, & I'll add a few here & there.
Yeah I agree. Once you watch the show you'll see his character is funnier than the name. I recommend the books by Charlaine Harris which differ from the series courtesy of Alan Ball.
ReplyDelete*spoiler alert: the series is much better than the books, but I'm not putting down the books. I just happen to enjoy a lot of HBO shows. Martin Scorsese' Boardwalk Empire looks really good. Its about prohibition times in Atlantic City, and it premieres 9/19 on HBO.
Well back to Across the Universe... It is a must see, and I couldn't agree more on the Marilyn Manson situation. I have no idea how he has pulled so many girls like E.R.W. And even Rose McGowan. I've never seen whatever works, but Larry David is a genius due to his part in Curb your Enthusiasm. I end this comment declaring HbO one of the best networks for housing shows like True Blood, Entourage, Curb your Enthusiasm, and I have high hopes for Boardwalk Empire. (Scorsese has a place in my film loving heart ever since I saw Goodfellas).
P.S. I agree about the Domino's new pizza, and I feel left out cause I have never had Beeley...
I love that you played ABBA in class on Friday, I was singing along. I love them! Hahah and True Blood is really awesome I was extremely skeptical about any more lame Vampire movies or TV shows, but once I started watching I instantly got hooked. I really like the intro to the episode, I find it so cool.
ReplyDeleteAlbert: much respect for the Larry David comment--true comic genius, & I was shocked to see that Curb is even better than Seinfeld, which had been my all-time favorite. & sorry about the lack-of-Beeley on your resume
ReplyDeleteJamie: ABBA rocks, & some day I will watch Mama Mia, which has been on my DVR for like 3 months now. Vampires will always be cool, especially the ones from Lost Boys. Edward can't ruin it all.
Vampires have also been a love of mine until Edward came around -.- I say iit ruined the whole image of vampires now a days. The show True Blood I absolutely love thoguh! :)
ReplyDeleteNooooo!!I do not advise watch Mama Mia, it is so bad. It does no justice to ABBA. I watched it with high expectations( that I'll admit) but the film was horrible. I mean, I guess it's one of those movies you just have to watch to understand the hype about it, but it really isn't great at all.
ReplyDeleteA form of life style where everything else is relative to your perspective.
For ease of discussion, I am going to build off of the statement regarding the “My kids rule this world…” Also, since anything of total domination (go big or go home) is pointless, I’m going to exaggerate “world” to universe. Because, yes, I can.
Thus, your children can by all means rule the universe. In fact, from what I’ve heard about McBride clan, I have no doubt that they would make the universe one heck of a fun place to be.
As for other children’s claims being disregarded due to the significant lack of the qualification of being your children, that’s works too.
At the same time as you denounce their rule, and support your children’s, countless other parents do likewise.
In other words, all at the same time, everyone is ruling the universe, and everyone isn’t.
This is where life gets fun.
Under the laws of Relativisticism, everyone has their own truths, thus all existing simultaneously, despite contradictions. Now of course, for many [people, it is there belief that there is no such thing as Relativisticism. They are right. There are others who say that there is such a thing as Relativisticism, and it governs how life works. They are right. Under Relativisticism, everyone is right, because everything is based off of how you see something.
But wait, you say, how can something that is contradictory exist as a paradox of that sort? I mean, despite boggling the intellectual mush and all, how can two contradictory views both be right?
Let’s look at a simple shape. The square. Four sides connected by for angles of 90 degrees. Each side is equal in length, and opposing sides are parallel to each other. (Not to be confused with the rhombus) There are two people (gender neutral, ethnicity neutral, everything neutral) looking at said square. One of them says to the other one, “Hey look, a square!” (The other one responds, “Hey, that’s not very nice!” [lol, had to] ) The other one responds by saying that it is instead a circle. They argue back and forth, one saying how it has the sides, angles, and shape of a square, the other saying that doesn’t matter, it’s a circle.
Both of them are right.
In fact, the third person who walks in and tells them they are both wrong, there is nothing in the room besides the four people there (think about the addition there).
That one’s right too.
This may seem ridiculous, but think about it. Under Relativisticism, truth is determined by you.
But wait. Since I decide what truth is, then I don’t believe that school exists. It doesn’t. I know this. Unfortunately, the officer knocking on the door at the moment with the district representative doesn’t believe in my truth. He is bigger than me, has a taser on his belt, and has the power of the law behind him. So for the moment, his truth is the truth, and mine is wrong.
But that can’t be, Relativisticism says that I make the truth, that everyone has their own personal truth.
You can’t make me do anything.
“Watch us”
Yes, I have a point to make. I would keep going, but I’ll stop and let you make your own truth.
I ask you this:
What is truth? Is there an absolute truth, or is truth simply relative?
Oh shush albertito! stop kisssing up...tell him Mcbride!
ReplyDelete-team mom :)
(I know this has nothing to do with the blog, but my email was being mean and didn't want to send it to you. Haha, probably because some are pretty bad) Here are some Frankenstein adaptations. When watching them, remember that some of them are just using the story instead of retelling it. That and we're only kids. We're not that amazing when it comes to acting so it's okay to laugh at how stupid we can seem. xD Hope you enjoy them.
ReplyDelete (my personal favorite :D)
It was pain making mine (which I don't have) and it makes you realize how much work goes into a movie. But yeah, it was a long process and by the end of it, everyone knew the book front to back.
Rachel--this thing says your comment is "published," but it ain't here. Oh, & the Ramones ain't British, either. & I have mentioned about 20 British bands in class thus far. & I will be checking out your recommendation.
ReplyDeleteDavid--yep, we'd make it a fun place, & I need more time to think about the rest of your post
Mafalda--I will be watching these, but I'd prefer to see yours, of course. Thanks
oh, & Rachel . . . now I see . . .your comment was in response to the 1st post, "title," which is why it ain't here
ReplyDeleteif you want to see it, go back there
(oh, & I meant to tell everyone to show David's post to Stephen Hebert.)
ReplyDeleteSeems only logical that there is an objective "truth" to every situation--it's a square or it's not, for example--& quite often we do not know said truth, which is why it gets "fun." Why we can debate, argue, enlighten, enjoy the company of others who believe differently.
It's possible but less interesting to me that everything could be "relative" . . I mean, I believe in situational ethics & other "relativist" ideas, & I am interested but not excited by "relativisticism," as I am with, for another example, solipsism.
(Look it up.)
This is the kind of discussion several students & I used to have during 6th-period prep, & it was gosh-durn fun, & in a way led to the chess/debaters who come each Friday morning.
Again, David, thanks
interesting, the i think thus am idea.
ReplyDelete"Solipsism is not a single concept but instead refers to several worldviews whose common element is some form of denial of the existence of a universe independent from the mind of the agent" (Wikipedia) [Ah, shame, yes i used it]
Seems rather close minded for such open-minded thinking! :)
I will admit, the idea of existance being determined by self is much more entertaining and exciting that determining truth. However! i would argue that the reletivism is more related to everyday thought, and the war of the worldviews amongst the general people.
I will admit though that the more i see, the more interesting Descartes seems.
And of course, the three ideas that seemed to start solipsism: (Georgias)
1.) Nothing exists
2.) Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it
3.)Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others
I will go deeper into this subject, thanks Mr. McBride for once again expanding my mental horizons!
ReplyDeleteIt was a typo ><
I was listening to the Ramones(I am aware they hail from NY or something...) I ment to write the sex pistols, sorry:P
ps i have no idea how to get it to show on this thing...
I'll believe you, & yep, they're from NY
ReplyDeleteoh, & by the way, I'll take the Pistols over the Ramones every day of the week & three times on Saturday